Hyun-Ah Kim

Born in 1972

Is an expert on Christian music as well as on Reformation musical history and theology. She received her PhD in Historical Musicology from the University of Durham and taught at Trinity College in the University of Toronto. Currently, she is a Research Fellow of Theologische Universiteit Kampen and Europäische Melanchthon-Akademie Bretten. Dr. Kim is leader of the international project ›Reformation Musical History and Theology‹ and she is coordinator of the ›International Network for Music, Ethics and Spirituality‹ (Inmes).

Her recent publications include ›The Praise of Musicke 1586‹ (2017), ›The Renaissance Ethics of Music‹ (2015) and ›Humanism and the Reform of Sacred Music in Early Modern England‹ (2008).

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