Bernard Bolzano: Band III,5,2: Briefwechsel mit verschiedenen Briefpartnern 1801–1848
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Volume III.5.2 concludes the ›Correspondence Series‹ within the complete edition of Bolzano’s works (Bolzano Gesamtausgabe). Hence the volume presents a less uniform picture than earlier volumes in this series, both in terms of Bolzano’s epistolary partners and the topics covered. His letters to Anna Hoffmann’s granddaughter and to the sickly Rosalie von Neupauer show Bolzano’s affection towards children and young people. Tensions in their parental home are revealed in the letters to and from Bolzano’s brother Peter and in his five letters to Eduard von Badenfeld, questions about aesthetics, ethics, and metaphysics are discussed. One letter sent from Anton Slivka von Sliwitz is of particular scholarly importance. It contains different formulas of the probability theory that examine the reliability level of historical statements which were confirmed by witnesses (for Bolzano, reports of miracles were especially important). This concluding volume of the correspondence series hence offers precious information about both Bolzano’s life and scientific work.
All volumes
- Band III,1,1: Briefe an die Familie 1819–1820 und 1833–1836 – available
- Band III,1,2: Briefe an die Familie 1837–1840 – available
- Band III,1,3: Briefe an die Familie 1841–1848 – available
- Band III,2,1: Briefwechsel mit Michael Josef Fesl 1815–1827 – available
- Band III,2,2: Briefe an Michael Josef Fesl 1831–1836 – available
- Band III,2,3: Briefe an Michael Josef Fesl 1837–1840 – available
- Band III,2,4: Briefe an Michael Josef Fesl 1841–1845 – available
- Band III,2,5: Briefe an Michael Josef Fesl 1846–1848 – available
- Band III,3,1: Briefe an František Příhonský 1824–1835 – available
- Band III,3,2: Briefe an František Příhonský 1836–1845 – available
- Band III,3,3: Briefe an František Příhonský 1846–1848 – available
- Band III,4,1: Briefwechsel mit Franz Exner 1833–1844 – available
- Band III,4,2: Briefwechsel mit Johann Baptist Stoppani, Gregor Zeithammer und Johann Peter Romang 1832–1848 – available
- Band III,5,1: Briefe an Josef Sommer und andere. 1812–1848 – available
- Band III,5,2: Briefwechsel mit verschiedenen Briefpartnern 1801–1848 – available
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