Alexander von Schönborn: Karl Leonhard Reinhold

Eine annotierte Bibliographie.

135 p., 17,8 x 24,5 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1456-3
Single price:
€ 96.–

Karl Leonhard Reinhold (1757–1823) has been given increasing recognition during the past few years. This bibliography continues to be an essential tool for anyone doing research on Reinhold. It lists 1. Reinhold’s textually self-contained works: essays, books, poems, speeches, unpublished works and lectures, 2. his occasional writings which are not self-contained: announcements, comments, reviews and translations etc, 3. Reinhold‘s letters regarding information. It is through the annotations that the bibliography gives a clear account of Reinhold’s habit of publishing his writings several times in various forms. Cross references, supplemented by references to the differences in the various versions, provide the guidelines for Reinhold’s works. This is of particular importance, since some of his works are very scarce and others, in one of their versions at least, can no longer be found.


MArtin Bondeli, Einleitung zu Reinhold: Gesammelte Schriften

»Das heute nach wie vollständigste Verzeichnis der größeren und kleineren Arbeiten Reinholds.«

MArtin Bondeli,
Einleitung zu Reinhold: Gesammelte Schriften
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