Alexander von Schönborn

Born in Prague, Czechoslovakia.

Early education in Czechoslovakia and West Germany

Notre Dame High School (Sherman Oaks, CA)

U.S. Army

Loyola University (Los Angeles)

Tulane University (Ph.D. in Philosophy, 1971, under E.G. Ballard)

Academic positions prior to Missouri

Fordham University

University of Texas at Austin

Philosophical interests

Generally, epistemology, ontology, semantics and, especially, the history of philosophy. More particularly, German philosophy from Kant to the present. Most published and presented work couched in historical terms and centered on Hegel, Heidegger, Husserl, Kant, and Reinhold.

One book (Karl Leonhard Reinhold: Eine annotierte Bibliographie. Lessing Akademie: frommann-holzboog, Stuttgart, 1991)

Twenty articles, several translations, half a dozen reviews, and some forty papers.

Grants from DAAD; Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte; Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University and others.

Current research projects
The Idea of an Enlightened Heart: The Life and Philosophic Work of K. L. Reinhold (1757-1823).

A translation of K.L. Reinhold’s »Ueber das vollständige Fundament der Moral,« together with a critical introduction to this text.

Werke von oder mit Alexander von Schönborn:

Single volumes


Alexander von Schönborn: Karl Leonhard Reinhold

Eine annotierte Bibliographie.

135 p.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1456-3
€ 96.–