Christel Fricke

Dr., geb. am 19.Juli 1955 in Berlin

1986–1996: Lecturer / Assistant professor at the Department of Philosophy at Heidelberg University, Germany

October 1996 – September 1998: Research Lecturer (funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) at the Department of Philosophy at Heidelberg University, Germany

October 1998 – February 1999: Temporary Chair in Philosophy (replacement of Professor Martin Seel at the Zentrum für Philosophie und Grundlagen der Wissenschaft of the Justus-Liebig Universität Gießen, Germany)

April 1999 – July 1999: Lecturer / Assistant professor at the Department of Philosophy at Heidelberg University, Germany

October 1999 – December 1999: Temporary Lecturer at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre / Brasil (teaching in French and English)

January 2000 – May 2000: Visiting Professor at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia / USA (teaching in English)

June 2000 – March 2001: Privatdozentin at the Department of Philosophy at Heidelberg University, Germany

April 2001 – March 2002: Research Lecturer (funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) at the Department of Philosophy at Karlsruhe University, Germany (Project: Objective Validity and Motivational Force of Moral Norms – On Adam Smith’s Moral Philosophy)

April 2002 – September 2002: Temporary Chair in Philosophy (replacement of Professor Ursula Wolf at the Department of Philosophy at Mannheim University)

October 2002 – August 2003: Research Lecturer (funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) at the Department of Philosophy at Karlsruhe University, Germany (Project: Objective Validity and Motivational Force of Moral Norms – On Adam Smith’s Moral Philosophy)

since September 2003: Professor of Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy of Oslo University, Norway

July 2007 – June 2010: Director of the Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature (CSMN)

since June 2010: Research director of the Moral Agency subsection of the Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature (CSMN)

since 2008: Member of the Norwegian Academy of Science

since 2010: Member of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters image

Werke von oder mit Christel Fricke:


Das Recht der Vernunft

Kant und Hegel über Denken, Erkennen und Handeln. Hans Friedrich Fulda zum 65. Geburtstag.

SuE II,37
438 p.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1712-0
€ 92.–