León Grinberg / Dario Sor / Elizabeth Tabak de Bianchedi: W. R. Bion

Eine Einführung.

With a preface by W. R. Bion.
JPB 17
189 p., 15,3 x 21,0 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1496-9
Single price:
€ 62.–
Special offer for members of the IPV and their branches, for DPG and DGPT:
€ 52.–

This book provides an overview of the system of ideas of this important and difficult author and explains his terminology in a manner which is easy understandable. The »Einführung« (Introduction) is the result of a long-term study of Bion‘s (1897–1979) ideas and of conversations between the three authors and Bion himself. After its first publication in Spanish in 1973, the work soon received international attention and was translated into many languages. This is a revised and extended edition in German.

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