Queer(es) Denken in der Psychoanalyse

Eine Kontroverse zu G. Hansbury: Das maskuline Vaginale – An der Grenze zu Transgender.

JPB 28
106 p., 14,7 x 20,8 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2884-3
Single price:
€ 28.–
Special offer for members of the IPV and their branches, for DPG and DGPT:
€ 25.–
eISBN 9783772833335
€ 28.–

Has psychoanalysis missed out on new developments? Does queer thinking help to shake up psychoanalysis? Griffin Hansbury’s work on the »masculine vaginal« challenges both treatment and clinical theory. Does he meet his patient open-minded and unbiased in the sessions or does he disregard boundaries? Does he succeed in taking a new look at psychogenetic and theoretical dimensions or does he follow an overvalued idea at the patient’s expense? The supplement to the ›Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse‹ asked Dana Amir, Leticia Glocer Fiorini, Howard Levine, Franco De Masi and Bernd Nissen for their comments on Hansbury’s work.


Maximilian Römer, Sexuologie

»Die Komposition des Bandes ermöglicht einen zu begrüßenden lebendigen Diskurs, der das Potential, deutlich aber auch die Grenzen der preisgekrönten Arbeit pointiert herausarbeitet und somit zu der notwendigen Fortführung der Kontroverse einlädt.«

Maximilian Römer,

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