Eric Brenman: Vom Wiederfinden des guten Objekts

Edited by Claudia Frank and Sibylle Ohr.
Translated from the English by Antje Vaihinger.
With a preface to the German edition by Irma Brenman Pick.
JPB 26
283 p., 14,7 x 20,8 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2657-3
Single price (Recommended retail price):
€ 68.–
Special offer for members of the IPV and their branches, for DPG and DGPT:
€ 58.–
eISBN 978-3-7728-3077-8
€ 68.–

This is the first collection of theoretically and clinically stimulating and helpful works in German by Eric Brenman (1920-2012), an influential Kleinian psychoanalyst. When reading the clinical case studies in this book, the reader is given a vivid picture of the psychoanalyst and the client – two people struggling together to gain an understanding of the client’s inner world. In his desire to restore the good internal object, the author intensifies our reflections on human destructivity and how to deal with this in an analytic situation, thus providing an important contribution to the techniques of psychoanalysis. The study of Brenman’s empathetic analytical attitude can prove to be extremely enriching for all those who work in the fields of psychoanalysis and psythotherapy.


Hermann Beland, Psyche

»Das Buch bewegt sich in Klinik und Theorie auf höchstem Niveau. Dennoch kann es m.E. nicht nur allen Analytikern eine Bestätigung des Analyseziels und seiner Erreichbarkeit, sondern – wegen seiner Durchsichtigkeit – besonders auch für den analytischen Anfänger im besten Sinne inspirierend sein.«

Hermann Beland,

All volumes