Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie: Karl Marx

Heft 43.3/2018

136 p.
Single price:
€ 32.–
€ 38.–

200 years after he was born, Karl Marx’s philosophy seems to be more relevant than ever, since the debate about alternatives to capitalism has been reignited due to the financial crises. The emergence of New Right thinking and neo-totalitarian tendencies in Western societies as well as the crisis which European social democracy is presently undergoing have made Marx the reading material of the hour. As far as philosophy is concerned, Marx however has primarily remained alive as an author because he stands for a radical self-correction of modern philosophy. The articles in this special issue interpret Marx less as a philosopher who gives us clear answers and more as a thinker who helps to investigate the burning questions of the modern world. Gérard Bensussan: Marx und die Politik (Marx and Politics) – Christoph Henning: Marx und die Monster des Marktes (Marx and the Monsters of the Market) – Christian Iber: Marx’ kritische Anknüpfung an Hegels Denkfigur der Negation der Negation (Marx’s Critical Connection to Hegel’s Figure of Thought of the Negation of the Negation) – Oliver Müller: Marx und die Philosophie der Technik (Marx and the Philosophy of Technology) - Sebastian Schwenzfeuer: Marx’ Theorie der sozialen Freiheit (Marx’s Theory of Social Freedom) – Steffen Wasko: Wirklichkeit nach Hegel. Marx, Bakunin und die Frage nach der Wirklichkeit (Reality According to Hegel. Marx, Bakunin and the Question of Reality)

  • Christian Iber: Revolution als Negation der Negation? Zu Marx’ Hegelrezeption Buy article
  • Steffen Wasko: Wirklichkeit nach Hegel. Marx, Bakunin und die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Philosophie und Wirklichkeit

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  • Gérard Bensussan: Politik als Übersetzung. Marx und die Revolution

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  • Sebastian Schwenzfeuer: Marx’ Theorie sozialer Freiheit

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  • Oliver Müller: Marx und die Philosophie der Technik

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  • Christoph Henning: Marx und die Monster des Marktes: Kleine philosophische Bilderkunde