Carlos Gilly: Band 1

Über Entstehung, Autorschaft und Zweck der Manifeste der Rosenkreuzer. Eine historische Einführung.

Umschlagfoto – nicht vorhanden
210 p.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2361-9
In preparation

Following a detailed study of the eventful and sometimes adventurous historiography of the Rosicrucians and the current status of research, the reader is initiated into the intellectual movements of the late 16th century (Hermeticism, Christian Kabbalah and mysticism, religious dissidents, Paracelsism, alchemy, magic, apocalypticism, astrology), to which the authors of the Rosicrucian Manifestos felt obligated. In addition, the issues of origins, authors, goals and the first manuscript transmissions of the Rosicrucian Manifestos (›Chymische Hochzeit‹ (Chymical Wedding), ›Fama Fraternitatis‹ and ›Confessio Fraternitatis‹) are discussed.