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Bibliographies and Reference Books »Carlos Gilly: Bibliographia Rosicruciana
Das europäische Schrifttum zu den Rosenkreuzern des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts.
This Catalogue raisonnée of the early Rosicrucians is one of the most ambitious projects of the ›Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica‹ in Amsterdam. It provides a detailed, strictly chronological bibliographical classification of approximately 1300 published works and more than 450 handwritten treatises, letters, case files, expert assessments and pamphlets in varying languages which contain comments on the Rosicrucian phenomenon or in which the Rosicrucians are specifically mentioned. Each description has been provided with short information on the author, content and circumstances of the publication, which means that the »Bibliographia Rosicruciana« can be read as a catalogue, a source book and a work of history at the same time.
Bibliographia Rosicruciana
- Subject Areas
- New Publications
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- Critical Editions
- Collected Works
- Series
- Bibliographies and Reference Books
- Böning / Siegert: Volksaufklärung
- Böning: Deutsche Presse
- Bartsch / Burmeister / Koch-Didier / Schwar: Raoul Hausmann (1886–1971)
- Bast / Delfosse: Handbuch zum Textstudium von Martin Heideggers ›Sein und Zeit‹
- Baumgartner / Jacobs: Fichte-Bibliographie
- Bibelsammlung der WLB Stuttgart
- Birtsch / Trauth / Meenken: Grundfreiheiten - Menschenrechte, 1500–1850
- Die Deutsche Literatur
- Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné...
- Finke: Finke: Bibliographie
- Gilly: Bibliographia Rosicruciana
- Hinske: Stellenindex zu »Immanuel Kant's Logik«
- Internationale Hölderlin-Bibliographie
- Krug: Enzyklopädisch-philosophisches Wörterbuch
- Noack: Philosophiegeschichtliches Lexikon
- Quellenbibliographie zur Rhetorik, Homiletik und Epistolographie des 18. Jahrhunderts
- Schütz: Thomas-Lexikon
- Wagner: Schopenhauer-Register
- Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie
- AZP Beihefte
- Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse
- JP Beihefte
- Steiner Studies
- Open-Access
- Single volumes
- eBooks
- Special Offers
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- Authors
- Publishing house
- Links / Partner
- Paths to Philosophy