Band 1: Lieferungen 1-3


The first installments of Series IV contain the first 62 articles on well-known and yet to be discovered authors covering a period between 1720 and 1830. These include Friedrich Schiller’s teacher, Jacob Friedrich Abel, the philosopher Thomas Abbt, who as Lessing’s successor contributed to the ›Briefen, die neueste Litteratur betreffend‹ (Letters Concerning the Most Recent Literature), along with Nicolai and Mendelssohn, and the philologist and lexicographer Johann Christoph Adelung as well as his niece, the novelist Friederike Adelung, the actress and playwright Sophie Charlotte Ackermann and Marie Johanne von Aachen, an occasional poet who was part of the Droste circle. In addition to a biographical and an analytic section, all the articles contain detailed bibliographies of the work, which wherever possible also list those works of the authors which are incorporated in other works.

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  • Band 1: Lieferungen 1-3 – available