Band 1: Lieferungen 6-9
VI, 304 p., 100 ill.
The installments provide 136 articles on authors of the 20th century. For this period of time, this is the most comprehensive lexicographical source of information on the history of German literature since 1890. The biographical and bibliographical sections of the articles have been newly compiled from the sources. The authors dealt with include Ilse Aichinger, Otl Aicher, Heinrich Albertz, Conrad Alberti and Anita Albus, figures who shaped the German literature and culture of the 20th century. In addition, a wide range of authors who have been forgotten today are dealt with.
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- Band 1: Lieferungen 6-9 – available
- Bartsch / Burmeister / Koch-Didier / Schwar: Raoul Hausmann (1886–1971) – available
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