Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie: Schwerpunktheft John Dewey

Heft 34.3/2009.

158 p., 15,5 x 23,0 cm.
Single price:
€ 21.–
€ 21.–

Alfred North Whitehead declared the modern age in the first half of the 20th century to be the »age of John Dewey.« In his naturalistic metaphysics, aesthetics, theory of science, theory of the public, ethics, philosophy of religion and pedagogics, the intellectual, who was known to broad sections of the population, had an enormous influence not only on American thinking. In an era of specialized academic philosophy which finds it difficult to reach the public and hardly trusts itself to create comprehensive philosophical concepts, it is good to remember Dewey on his 150th birthday as a philosopher who, based on a broad concept of experience, covered the entire field of philosophy and as a political and ethical mind triggered many public debates.


  • Marc Rölli: Natur und Kultur. Oder: Wie der Pragmatismus John Deweys einen traditionsreichen Gegensatz aufhebt Buy article
  • Helmut Pape: Deweys Situation. Gescheitertes Handeln, gelingendes Erkennen und das gute Leben Buy article
  • Jens Kertscher: Normativer Pragmatismus ohne Transzendentalphilosophie. John Dewey als Sprachphilosoph Buy article
  • Andreas Hetzel: Subjektlose Erfahrungen. John Deweys holistische Ästhetik Buy article


  • Marie-Luise Raters: Von Hegel zu Darwin. Die Wurzeln von Deweys Ästhetik in der Ästhetik des angelsächsischen Idealismus Buy article
  • Martin Hartmann: Vertiefung der Erfahrung. John Dewey in der deutschsprachigen Rezeption Buy article


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