Francis Bacon: Vol. X: The Letters and the life of Francis Bacon, Part III
Faksimile-Neudruck der ersten Ausgabe London, 1857–1874.
Edited by Robert Leslie Ellis, Douglas Denon Heath and James Spedding.
XX, 411 p.
ISBN 978-3-7728-0033-7
Single price:
€ 158.–
This reprint comprises the works and letters by Francis Bacon (1561–1626) in the most complete edition, which is also recognized as being the best edition, with its introductions, explanatory annotations and indexes. The introductions contain information on the history of the origins and the editions of each of the works as well as on its position as a whole among Bacon’s works. An English translation has been added to the Latin works. The edition is rounded off with the biography of Bacon written by James Spedding.
Contents of the volumes VIII-XIV:
The Letters and Life of Francis Bacon.
All volumes
- Vol. I: Philosophical Works, Part I – available
- Vol. II: Philosophical Works, Part I continued – available
- Vol. III: Philosophical Works, Part II – available
- Vol. IV: Translations of the Philosophical Works, Part I – available
- Vol. V: Translations of the Philosophical Works, Part I continued – available
- Vol. VI: Literary Works – available
- Vol. VII: Literary Works continued – available
- Vol. VIII: The Letters and the life of Francis Bacon, Part I – available
- Vol. IX: The Letters and the life of Francis Bacon, Part II – available
- Vol. X: The Letters and the life of Francis Bacon, Part III – available
- Vol. XI: The Letters and the life of Francis Bacon, Part IV – available
- Vol. XII: The Letters and the life of Francis Bacon, Part V – available
- Vol. XIII: The Letters and the life of Francis Bacon, Part VI – available
- Vol. XIV: The Letters and the life of Francis Bacon, Part VII – available
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