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Collected Works »Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Sämtliche Werke
Anniversary edition based on the original print.

This anniversary edition is a reprint of the first complete edition of Hegel, which was compiled after Hegel’s (1770–1831) death by the Verein von Freunden des Verewigten (The Society of Friends of the Eternalized). It contains the complete text of the original edition with the exception of the works which were credited to Hegel by mistake. The order has been improved in comparison with the old edition. The works from Hegel’s time in Jena, Nuremberg, Heidelberg and Berlin have been put in chronological order. New in this edition is the »small« Heidelberg Encyclopedia of 1817, and in addition the two-volume Hegel monograph by Hermann Glockner. The anniversary edition surpasses all its predecessors in its completeness. For anyone studying Hegel, this work is indispensable. It contains editions of Hegel’s most important lectures compiled on the basis of transcripts with definitions of the system which Hegel had only disclosed at the lectern. The fact that it provides Hegel’s work in the form on which his immense impact was based in the previous century makes it of lasting value. The Hegel Lexicon provides a conceptual and systematic approach to the texts.
Sämtliche Werke
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