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Collected Works »Hieronymus Cardanus: Opera Omnia
Faksimile-Neudruck der Ausgabe Lyon 1663.
With an introduction by August Buck.
10 Volumes
7206 p., 18,5 x 27,2 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-0094-8
10 volumes available
Special offer for the bundle:
€ 2,640.–
Cardanos (1501–1576) distinguished position in the history of science is based on the combination of his unusual encyclopedic knowledge and his creative thinking. His ›Ars magna‹ was a milestone in the history of algebra, the Cardan suspension is one of the mathematician’s basic tools. It is due to him that physics has inventions such as the Cardan shaft and medicine had its first clinical description of typhoid fever. Goethe said of him: »Cardan is one of those people whom posterity will never be able to manage.«
Opera Omnia
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