Hugo Grotius: Band II,1: Annotationes in quatuor Evangelia & Acta Apostolorum
Reprint of the the Amsterdam edition (1679).
ISBN 978-3-7728-0166-2
Single price:
€ 262.–
If one only looks at the important role played by the German jurist and diplomat Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) in the history of law, his significance for theology is often overlooked. In the works of Grotius however legal theory and theology are so closely interwoven that one cannot be understood without the other. As an exegete, he applied the historical-critical method of humanist philosophy to biblical interpretation. His independence, his critical attitude and his advocacy of religious tolerance made him an important forerunner of the Enlightenment.
Ad Evangelium secundum: Matthaeum, Marcum, Lucam, Joannem
Ad Acta Apostolorum
All volumes
- Band I: Annotationes ad Vetus Testamentum – available
- Band II,1: Annotationes in quatuor Evangelia & Acta Apostolorum – available
- Band II,2: Annotationes in Epistolas Apostolicas & Apocalypsin – available
- Band III: Opuscula Diversa – available
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