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Bibliographies and Reference Books » Bibelsammlung der WLB Stuttgart » II: Deutsche Bibeldrucke »Band 1: Deutsche Bibeldrucke 1466–1600
606 Katalognummern.
Catalogued by Stefan Strohm.
In cooperation with Peter Amelung, Irmgard Schauffler and Eberhard Zwink.
LVI, 480 p., 20,8 x 29,0 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-0851-7
Single price:
€ 666.–
Only the Württembergische Landesbibliothek is in possession of all Upper German pre-Lutheran Bibles. It also has many of the original Wittenberg versions of Luther’s translation and revision as well as the reprints from Augsburg, Basel, Nuremberg, Strasbourg, Zurich etc as well as the principal Catholic and spiritualist Bible translations. This volume provides new insight and additional material on the history of the Bible and biblical illustrations.
All volumes
- Band 1: Deutsche Bibeldrucke 1466–1600 – available
- Band 2,1-3: 1601-1800 – available
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- Bibelsammlung der WLB Stuttgart
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