1991-1992. II Materialband
VIII, 368 p.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1595-9
Single price:
€ 59.–
When the GDR (German Democratic Republic) joined the FRG (Federal Republic of Germany) on October 3, 1990, this also affected Hölderlin research in various ways, especially since the reception of Hölderlin in the GDR and the FRG did to some extent follow different paths, the various aspects of which are now being increasingly studied. The IHB (International Hölderlin Bibliography) has taken this event into account by differentiating among its descriptors, thus helping to provide in-depth accessibility to this subject.
All volumes
- 1984-1988. I Erschließungsband – available
- 1984-1988. II Materialband – available
- 1989-1990. I Erschließungsband – available
- 1989-1990. II Materialband – available
- 1991-1992. I Erschließungsband – available
- 1991-1992. II Materialband – available
- 1993-1994. I Erschließungsband – available
- 1993-1994. II Materialband – available
- 1995-1996. I Erschließungsband – available
- 1995-1996. II Materialband – available
- Musikalien und Tonträger zu Hölderlin von 1806–1999 – available
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