Bernard Bolzano: Band E 2,2: Katalog des Bolzano-Nachlasses im Literaturarchiv des Museums der Nationalen Literatur in Prag
a. Einleitung – b. Katalog des Nachlasses – c. Personenregister.
Edited by Pavel Krivsky and Marie Pavlíková.
Edited by Jaromír Louzil.
153 p., 18,1 x 25,4 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2262-9
Single price:
€ 278.–
The comprehensive Prague literary estate contains manuscripts with philosophical, theological, scientific and biographical content as well as letters. These manuscripts were amended and arranged by Pavel Krivsky. The description of the contents, which he wrote together with Marie Pavlíková in the Czech language, has been translated into German by Jaromír Loužil. In conjunction with the new complete bibliography and the first section of the second introductory volume, this concludes the complete and exact compilation of Bolzano’s published and unpublished works.
All volumes
- Band E 1: Bernard Bolzano. Ein Lebensbild – available
- Band E 2,1: Bolzano-Bibliographie und Editionsprinzipien der Gesamtausgabe – available
- Band E 2,1: Supplement I: Ergänzungen und Korrekturen zur Bolzano-Bibliographie (Stand: Ende 1981) – available
- Band E 2,1: Supplement II: Ergänzungen zur Bolzano-Bibliographie (Stand: Anfang 1987) – available
- Band E 2,2: Katalog des Bolzano-Nachlasses im Literaturarchiv des Museums der Nationalen Literatur in Prag – available
- Band E 2,3: Bolzano-Gesamtbibliographie 1804–1999 – available
- Band E 3: Bernard Bolzanos System der Philosophie – available
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