Sebastian Franck: Sämtliche Werke

Critical edition with commentary.

Edited by Hans-Gert Roloff.
Berliner Ausgaben.
26 of 27 volumes in preparation.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1827-1
2 volumes available, 13 in 16 Volumes in preparation

Text volumes 1,4 and 11 are published by Peter Lang.

Sebastian Franck was an important 16th century German humanist, reformer and author in the mystic tradition. Originally ordained as a catholic priest he was later influenced by Martin Luther and converted to Protestantism only to dissent from Protestantism as well. His writings entail theological as well as historical, geographical, philosophical and literary works aimed at educating his contemporaries. Typical for his writing, which also included many translations into German, is a paraphrasing style that strongly asks for an explaining commentary. The ›Berliner Ausgabe‹, a new critical edition of his complete works will entail 16 volumes with texts and 14 volumes with commentaries that guide scholars and interested readers alike through the different layers of Franck’s writings and thus shed new light on the works of an important mystic between Catholicism and Reformation. The first three text volumes of the edition were published by Peter Lang Verlag, Bern.