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Critical Editions »Julius Caesar Scaliger: Poetices libri septem. Sieben Bücher über die Dichtkunst
German/Latin edition.
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Scaliger’s (1484–1558) ›Poetices libri septem‹, published in 1561 for the first time, is the most comprehensive and probably the most influential poetological compendium of the Renaissance. What is presumably the most famous work of the Italian-French humanist is now being presented in a critical bilingual edition for the first time. A critical apparatus and a list of sources have been included with the Latin text. The German translation has been provided with explanatory annotations. Each book is preceded by a short introduction.
»The edition is itself a formidable venture [...] a set of superb volumes the pleasures of whose handling and reading match their sureness of scholarship.«
»Un monument d’érudition [...] à la fois monumentale et somptueuse [...] une édition des plus sûres et des plus documentées, dont la qualité fait une édition de référence [...] Tout donc recommande la lecture et la consultation on assidue de ce savant ensemble, servi par une présentation toujours aussi irréprochable.«
»[Eine] höchst imponierende Leistung einer editorischen sowie im besten Sinne hermeneutischen Rekonstruktion eines poetologischen Grundlagentextes, der zudem in einer wunderschönen Ausstattung verlegt ist.«
»Die neue Scaliger-Ausgabe verspricht [...], ein Monument der Renaissance- und Poetikforschung zu werden.«
»An edition splendid in every way.«
»The community of scholarly specialists in the European early modern period, in poetics and rhetoric, in the history of Latin letters, and in literary history more generally is deeply in debt to the publishers and editors. If Scaliger is gazing up or down on the results of their efforts, he can only swell further with pride. Few are the sixteenth-century scholars who have been given such a gift.«
»This monumental new edition represents a Herculean labor.«
»Mit den nun vorliegenden fünf Bänden der Scaliger-Poetik hat die Renaissance- und Frühneuzeitforschung ein wertvolles Forschungsinstrument gewonnen, das von den Herausgebern in bester Qualität ausgearbeitet wurde. Zweifellos werden von diesem Werk neue Forschungsimpulse für die Untersuchung der historischen Rolle von Poetik und Rhetorik in Scaligers Epoche ausgehen.«
»With this edition, translation and commentary, Luc Deitz has […] begun to construct his own monument of Renaissance scholarship. In the best tradition of philological criticism, Deitz has established an accurate text of Scaliger’s Poetics from its numerous editions. He has provided a serviceable translation into German. […] And he has written not only an important introduction to the whle work, but important commentaries in the way of separate introductions to the individual books of the treatise.«
Poetices libri septem. Sieben Bücher über die Dichtkunst
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