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Critical Editions »Thomas von Aquin: Quaestio disputata ›De unione Verbi incarnati‹ (›Über die Union des fleischgewordenen Wortes‹)
Includes an extensive commentary and theological reflexion. Edited by Klaus Obenauer.
Latin text compiled by Barbara Bartocci, Klaus Obenauer and Walter O.P. Senner.
XIV, 576 p., 16,5 x 24,0 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2563-7
Single price:
€ 286.–
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The »Quaestio disputata« ›About the union of the incarnate Word‹ is one of Thomas Aquinas’ shortest Questiones. It contains, in an extremely condensed manner, the whole programme of constitutional Christology: The unity of the person and the hypostasis of Christ in two natures / Christ one or two? / The unity of esse and the duality of action and will in Christ. The last three of the five articles reveal a peculiar originality within Aquinas’ Opus. The volume investigates the proverbial onto-logical implications of the christology of the greatest thinker of Western Christianity. It provides an edition, translation, and extensive commentary with theological and historical reflections.
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