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Critical Editions » Bolzano: Gesamtausgabe » Reihe II: Nachlaß » B. Wissenschaftliche Tagebücher »Bernard Bolzano: Band II,B,11,2: Miscellanea Mathematica 20
Edited by Anna van der Lugt and Bob van Rootselaar.
170 p., 18,1 x 25,4 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2332-9
Single price:
€ 278.–
This volume contains the 20th part of the ›Miscellanea Mathematica‹ written between 1821 and 1826. In this diary, Bolzano deals in detail with the determination of the equation and the graphic representation of geometrically determined lines as well as with exercises from Lacroix’ Textbook on the Theory of Probability. He also studies the concepts of quantity, opposites, series,continuity, curvature, proof of Taylor’s theorem and the ratio of force to speed. In addition, diary number 20 contains mathematical applications for the shape of beehives, the shape of a megaphone and for the economical growing of trees.
All volumes
- Band II,B,1: Mathematische Tagebücher 1799–1844 – in preparation
- Band II,B,2,1: Miscellanea Mathematica 1 – available
- Band II,B,2,2: Miscellanea Mathematica 2 – available
- Band II,B,3,1: Miscellanea Mathematica 3 – available
- Band II,B,3,2: Miscellanea Mathematica 4 – available
- Band II,B,4,1: Miscellanea Mathematica 5 – available
- Band II,B,4,2: Miscellanea Mathematica 6 – available
- Band II,B,5,1: Miscellanea Mathematica 7 – available
- Band II,B,5,2: Miscellanea Mathematica 8 – available
- Band II,B,6,1: Miscellanea Mathematica 9 – available
- Band II,B,6,2: Miscellanea Mathematica 10 – available
- Band II,B,7,1: Miscellanea Mathematica 11 – available
- Band II,B,7,2: Miscellanea Mathematica 12 – available
- Band II,B,8,1: Miscellanea Mathematica 13 – available
- Band II,B,8,2: Miscellanea Mathematica 14 – available
- Band II,B,9,1: Miscellanea Mathematica 15 – available
- Band II,B,9,2: Miscellanea Mathematica 16 – available
- Band II,B,10,1: Miscellanea Mathematica 17 – available
- Band II,B,10,2: Miscellanea Mathematica 18 – available
- Band II,B,11,1: Miscellanea Mathematica 19 – available
- Band II,B,11,2: Miscellanea Mathematica 20 – available
- Band II,B,12,1: Miscellanea Mathematica 21 – available
- Band II,B,12,2: Miscellanea Mathematica 22 – available
- Band II,B,13,1: Miscellanea Mathematica 23 – in preparation
- Band II,B,13,2: Miscellanea Mathematica 24 – in preparation
- Band II,B,14: Philosophische Tagebücher 1803–1810. Erster Teil – available
- Band II,B,15: Philosophische Tagebücher 1803–1810. Zweiter Teil – available
- Band II,B,16,1: Philosophische Tagebücher 1811–1817 – available
- Band II,B,16,2: Philosophische Tagebücher 1811–1817 – October 2025
- Band II,B,17: Philosophische Tagebücher 1817–1827 – available
- Band II,B,18,1: Philosophische Tagebücher 1827–1844. Erster Teil – in preparation
- Band II,B,18,2: Philosophische Tagebücher 1827–1844. Zweiter Teil – available
- Band II,B,19: Zur Physik I (1828–1840) – available
- Band II,B,20: Zur Physik II (1841–1847) – available
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