Gottfried Arnold: Band 1: Das Geheimnis der göttlichen Sophia oder Weisheit

Leipzig 1700. Reprint.

With an introduction by Walter Nigg.
16*, XL, 559 p., 13,0 x 18,5 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-0012-2
Single price:
€ 82.–


For Meister Eckhart, human beings were so connected to God in the spark of the soul that God Himself acted through them, for Gottfried Arnold in the divine Sophia. His work on Sophia mysticism is no longer characterized by the influence of church dogmatics and scholarly meticulousness; it attempts to trace real Christianity. Its aim is to inspire the reader to reflect on the divine in his/her own innermost being and to show attitudes which enable access to this to be exposed. In this introduction, Walter Nigg writes: »His work is not destined for the masses, however he whispers a word of eternity to every individual who endeavors to stand before God. A more in-depth contemplation of Arnold will always lead to inner enrichment.«

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