Ludwig Feuerbach: Band 2: Philosophische Kritiken und Grundsätze

2nd, unchanged edition 1976.

Reviewed and edited in a revised edition by Friedrich Jodl.
XI, 412 p., 12,0 x 17,4 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-0127-3
Single price:
€ 99.–

The edition by Wilhelm Bolin and Friedrich Jodl was published by our company for the first time between 1903 and 1911 in 10 volumes. Among the works written in his youth, this is the first publication of two of them, both of which are indispensable for gaining insight into Feuerbach‘s (1804-1872) philosophical development: his dissertation from 1828 and the ›Gedanken über Tod und Unsterblichkeit‹ (Thoughts on Death and Immortality) published anonymously in 1830, a work which denied Feuerbach a university career for all of his life. The youthful works contain a chronological table as well as a bibliography of the works by and about Feuerbach. This reprint contains previously unpublished Feuerbach letters which have been added to the edition of the letters from and by Feuerbach, edited by W. Bolin and published in 1904. Among the letters which have been added there are 18 addressed to Arnold Ruge, and these provide some insight into the Left or Young Hegelians who were in the process of formation.


Vorwort des Herausgebers

Recensionen und kritische Abhandlungen:

Hegels Geschichte der Philosophie
Kritik des Antihegel
Jacobi und die Philosophie seiner Zeit. Von J. Kuhn
Zwei Schriften über Descartes
Geschichte der neueren Philosophie. Von Dr. Joh. Ed. Erdmann
Die Idee der Freiheit. Von K. Bayer
Ueber den Begriff des sittlichen Geistes. Von Dr. Karl Bayer
Kritik des Idealismus. Von F. Dorguth
Christian Kapp und seine literarischen Leistungen
Zur Kritik der Hegelschen Philosophie

Zur Reform der Philosophie:

Ueber den Anfang der Philosophie
Nothwendigkeit einer Reform der Philosophie
Vorläufige Thesen zur Reform der Philosophie
Grundsätze der Philosophie der Zukunft
Kritische Bemerkungen zu den Grundsätzen der Philosophie
Wider den Dualismus von Leib und Seele, Fleisch und Geist

Die Entwicklung des Autors betreffend:

Fragmente zur Charakteristik meines philosophischen Entwicklungsganges
Brief an C. Riedel
Aus dem Vorwort zur ersten Gesamtausgabe