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Critical Editions » Svarez:... » 2. Die Preußische... » I. Das Allgemeine... » A. Entwurf eines... »Carl Gottlieb Svarez: Band 5: Zweiter Teil, Zweite Abteilung [1787]

Between April 1784 and June 1788, the draft for a ›General Code of Law for the Prussian State‹ was published in Berlin. The advance notice it was given called upon the public to give their evaluation of this and encouraged the scholars of legal philosophy in Germany and other countries to engage in a thorough criticism, for which substantial prizes were offered. Included in the new edition in 6 volumes is an account of the development and further revision of the draft. There is a list of critical suggestions (monita), made by the courts, the administrative authorities, the three estates, and private individuals. In each of the sections and articles, reference is made to the monita, a subsequent extract of these and Svarez’ evaluation (revisio) as well as the the ›General Code of Law‹ and the ›Prussian Civil Code‹.
»Für Rechtshistoriker eine unerschöpfliche Quelle zur Genesis des Zivilrechts.«
All volumes
- Band 1: Erster Teil, Erste Abteilung [1784] – available
- Band 2: Erster Teil, Zweite Abteilung [1785] – available
- Band 3: Erster Teil, Dritte Abteilung [1786] – available
- Band 4: Zweiter Teil, Erste Abteilung [1787] – available
- Band 5: Zweiter Teil, Zweite Abteilung [1787] – available
- Band 6: Zweiter Teil, Dritte Abteilung [1788] – available
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