Johann Fischart: Band III: Das Sechste Buch vom Amadis (1572)
Edited by Ulrich Seelbach.
367 p., 68 ill., 17,3 x 25,0 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1838-7
Single price:
€ 256.–
Fischart translated the sixth book of the over 20 installments of the never-ending chivalric romance by Amadis de Gaula. He was one of the few »interpreters« of the roman-fleuve, translated from the French, whose name was able to be determined. The translation thus also makes it possible to do comparative studies of the translation techniques in the 16th century, and of the style and syntax in contrast to other works by the translator. The new edition includes illustrations of the original woodcuts, the typographical errors in the text of the 1572 edition have been eliminated. In doing this, both the second publication in 1576 and the collected edition in 1583 were taken into consideration.
All volumes
- Band II: Eulenspiegel reimenweis – available
- Band III: Das Sechste Buch vom Amadis (1572) – available
- Band IV: Kleinere Schriften (1573 und 1575) – in preparation
- Band V: Onomasticon Philosophicum (1574) – in preparation
- Band VI: Geschichtklitterung (zuerst 1575; nach dem Druck von 1590) – in preparation
- Band VII: Kleine Schriften (zwischen 1575 und 1579) – in preparation
- Band VIII: Bienenkorb (1579) – in preparation
- Band IX,1: De Magorvm Daemonomania Edition von Johann Fischarts Übersetzung der ›Démonomanie des sorciers‹ Jean Bodins – available
- Band X: Kleine Schriften (zwischen 1580 und 1590) – in preparation
- Band XI: Ergänzungsband I: Ungesicherte Zuschreibungen – in preparation
- Band XII: Ergänzungsband II: Autographen und Lebenszeugnisse – in preparation
- Band XIII: Ergänzungsband III: Bibliographie der Fischartdrucke und der Forschungsliteratur – in preparation
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