Friedrich Nicolai: Sämtliche Werke – Briefe – Dokumente. Reihe II: Briefe

Umschlagfoto – nicht vorhandenUmschlagfoto – nicht vorhandenUmschlagfoto – nicht vorhandenUmschlagfoto – nicht vorhanden
ISBN 978-3-7728-2760-0

The second series includes the correspondence edition, which is a unique collection of source material. Experts agree that Nicolai’s correspondence is one of the most important sources of the German Enlightenment, a source whose editorial content has not yet been made accessible for interdisciplinary research. Since Nicolai had business dealings with an extraordinary number of famous contemporaries and was also in contact with some of them as a friend, the correspondence reflects all the trends of that time in detail. Each volume of letters has a corresponding commentary and an index of persons, places and subjects.

Nicolai: Sämtliche Werke – Briefe – Dokumente. Sämtliche Werke – Briefe – Dokumente. Reihe II: Briefe