Johann Gustav Droysen: Historik. Band 1
Rekonstruktion der ersten vollständigen Fassung der Vorlesungen (1857); Grundriß der ›Historik‹ in der ersten handschriftlichen (1857/1858) und in der letzten gedruckten Fassung (1882).
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Volume 1 contains a reconstruction of the first complete ›Historik‹ (Principles of History) lecture which Droysen held in Jena in the summer semester of 1857 based on his handwritten lecture manuscripts. This text of the lecture is then supplemented by two versions of the ›Grundrisses der Historik‹ (Outline of the Principles of History, i.e. of a text which Droysen handed out to his students). The first one is the earliest handwritten version from 1857 (or 1858), the other one is the last printed version from 1882. This ›Outline‹ has been supplemented by three appendixes which Droysen had added to the published versions of the ›Outline‹ since 1868, including the essay on ›Natur und Geschichte‹ (Nature and History).
All volumes
- Historik. Band 1 – available
- Historik. Band 2,1-2 – available
- Historik. Band 3,1 – available
- Historik. Band 3,2 – available
- Historik. Supplementband – available
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