Johann Gustav Droysen: Historik. Supplementband
Droysen-Bibliographie. Verzeichnis der Schriften Droysens; Verzeichnis des Nachlasses und der Autographen; Droysens ›Katalog meiner Arbeiten‹ (1859); Autobiographische Skizze; Verzeichnis der Bildnisse Droysens; Literatur über Droysens Person und Werk (Auswahl).
The Supplement Volume for the edition of the ›Historik‹ (Outline of the Principles of History) contains the Droysen bibliography, i.e. a list of those writings which he himself had published and those works which were published posthumously, of collections and works from the literary estate, and finally of the reprints and translations of his works. In addition, there are lists of the three parts of his literary remains (Berlin-Dahlem, Halle/Saale, Jena) and a list of other autographs (mainly letters). Droysen’s ›Katalog meiner Arbeiten‹ (Catalogue of My Works) (1859) is an important document which is being published for the first time. It contains commentaries on his writings and in addition the so-called »graue Literatur« (grey literature). A list of the portraits, four of which are reproduced in this volume, is followed by a selection of research literature on Droysen as a person and on his work.
»Droysens Ort in den Humanwissenschaften unterstreicht der nützliche Supplementband mit sorgfältiger Auflistung des Nachlasses, der Schriften und der Forschungsliteratur. Mit großer Spannung wird man vor allem den jetzt angekündigten Band 3 mit den Varianten der ›Historik‹ aus 25 Jahren Lehre erwarten dürfen.«
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- Historik. Band 1 – available
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- Historik. Supplementband – available
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