Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Band III,5: Briefe 1801–1805

Gesamtausgabe der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

VIII, 444 p., 22,3 x 27,1 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-0782-4
Single price:
€ 296.–
eISBN 978-3-7728-3271-0
€ 296.–

Fichte lived in Berlin during the years covered by this volume, with the exception of a brief period when he taught in Erlangen (1805). During these years he was primarily concerned with developing and presenting the Wissenschaftslehre. -- This volume also includes the final portion of Fichte’s exchange with Schelling. During this period Fichte also kept in contact with [Jacobi]Jacobi, F. H.}, Mehmel, Niethammer, Schiller, and von Wolzogen. The correspondence with Cotta includes many new letters not included in the Schulz edition of Fichte’s Correspondence.