Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling: Band II,3: Frühe theologische Arbeiten (1790–1791)
Edited by Christopher Arnold and Beatrice Rauschenbach.
X, 511 p., 3 ill., 18,4 x 25,5 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2398-5
Single price:
€ 298.–
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- Über das Evangelium Johannis
- Über die Zwölf Kleinen Propheten
- Über die Zwölf Kleinen Propheten II
This volume contains three of Schelling’s transcripts of lectures given by Christian Friedrich Schnurrer on the Gospel of John as well as the ›Dodekapropheton‹ during his first two terms at the University of Tübingen. The notes taken by the young Schelling are not restricted to giving an account of Schnurrer’s lectures but also contain Schelling’s own comments on their interpretation. In a unique way, these texts document the type of exegetics which was taught to students at the end of the 18th century in Tübingen as well as the familiarity of the young Schelling with the exegetical and hermenetical debate of late Enlightenment theology.The volume contains editorial reports, annotations, indexes and a bibliography.
All volumes
- Band II,1,1: Frühe Bebenhäuser Arbeiten (1787–1791) – available
- Band II,1,2: Kommentar zum Buch ›Hiob‹ (1790–1793) – available
- Band II,2: Frühe alttestamentliche Arbeiten (1789–1793) – available
- Band II,3: Frühe theologische Arbeiten (1790–1791) – available
- Band II,4: Frühe theologische Arbeiten (1792–1793) – available
- Band II,5: Frühe theologische und philosophische Arbeiten (1793–1795) – available
- Band II,6,1-2: Philosophie der Kunst und weitere Schriften (1796–1805) – available
- Band II,7,1-2: ›System der gesammten Philosophie‹ und weitere Schriften (1804–1807) – available
- Band II,8: Stuttgarter Privatvorlesungen (1810) – available
- Band II,9: Die Weltalter in den Druckfassungen von 1811/1813 – not to be published
- Band II,10,1-3: Initia Philosophiae Universae. Erlanger Vorlesungen WS 1820/21 – available
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