Bernard Bolzano: Band II,A,3: Moralphilosophische und theologische Schriften 1820/21

Edited by Kurt F. Strasser.
18,1 x 25,4 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2301-5
November 2024
Single price:
ca. € 278.–

Bolzano’s ›Reflections on the Truth of Catholic Christianity‹ date back to 1820/21 and are grounded in the »supreme moral law«, which obliges people to choose from all possible truths those that promote the common good the most. The basis of faith should be »that which is believed at all times by all people and in all places« (Vincent of Lérins). According to Bolzano, it is this ethically orientated belief in clearly provable truths of divine revelation that can give people complete security.

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