César Chesneau Du Marsais: Oeuvres choisies, Band 3

Paris 1797. Reprint.

Edited by Herbert E. Brekle.
Umschlagfoto – nicht vorhanden
GU 5.3
ISBN 978-3-7728-0339-0
Single price:
€ 98.–

Du Marsais (1676–1756) continued the tradition of the Port-Royal grammarians. Noam Chomsky has pointed out how important he still is today. Using the study of Latin as an example, Du Marsais demonstrated the importance of a universal grammar from a propaedeutic point of view. Among his many remarks on theory, one can find the first explicit definition of a universal grammar as opposed to the grammar of a single language.


I. Mélanges de Grammaire, de Philosophie, etc., tirés de l’Encyclopédie depuis l’article »Construction« jusqu’à l’article »Grammairien«
II. Logique, ou Réflexions sur les Principales Opérations de l’Esprit

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