Forschungen und Materialien zur deutschen Aufklärung

ISBN 978-3-7728-0926-2
61 in 70 Volumes available, 1 volume Reprint in preparation, 29 volumes in preparation

Structure of the series:

Abt. I (section I): Texte zur Philosophie der deutschen Aufklärung (texts on the philosophy of German enlightenment) Abt. II (section II): Monographien zur Philosophie der deutschen Aufklärung (monographies on the philosophy of German enlightenment) Abt. III (section III): Indices zur Philosophie der deutschen Aufklärung (indices on the philosophy of German enlightenment)

In recent years, both the concept and the age of the enlightenment have been the subject of increased controversy. For some, enlightenment stands for an ideal of political, scientific, and individual freedom, for the liberation from prejudices with the goal of unbiased reflection on the sources of knowledge and on what this implies about the springs of action and the basis of morality. For others, it is the root of an unreflective scientism, the source of a mania for technology and optimization in all areas of human life. It is the aim of this series to continue to provide a forum for the critical study of the epoch of the German enlightenment through editions of texts, monographs and anthologies, in German and in English. In addition, the series will take up neglected topics and issues pertaining to the enlightenment, in an international context, with the goal of providing new impetus for path-breaking research.


Josef Bordat, Marburger Forum

»Das beeindruckende Projekt ist das einzige seiner Art in Deutschland.«

Josef Bordat,
Marburger Forum

Forschungen und Materialien zur deutschen Aufklärung





Abteilung III: Indices zur Philosophie der deutschen Aufklärung

Ca. 61 Volumes
ISBN 978-3-7728-0929-3
