Johann Gerhard: Postilla (1613), Teil 4: Predigten zu den Apostel- und Festtagen

Critically edited and annotated by Johann Anselm Steiger.
DeP I,7.4
242 p., 15,5 x 21,0 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2710-5
Single price:
€ 174.–
eISBN 978-3-7728-3212-3
€ 174.–

The ›Postilla‹ contains sermons for the entire Christian year (except for Good Friday), for the days of the Apostles and on mixed Bible passages. Part 4 of this edition includes the sermons on the days of the Apostles as well as on further religious festivals such as the visitation of Mary and the feast of the purification of Mary, Michaelmas, St. John’s day etc. The editorial apparatus with its annotations verifies Bible passages as well as quotations from the Patristic, medieval and Reformation tradition. The text critical apparatus provides information on alterations, taking into account the second edition of the ›Postilla‹. The volume also contains an index of biblical passages and of persons.


Armin Wenz, LOGIA 33-3 Forgiveness Reconciliation

»Gerhard’s sermons are a blessing to any reader, and they will be a refreshment for any preacher. The biblical plate is full of gifts that are to be delivered to the saints. Where this happens in purity and fullness as done by Gerhard in an exemplary way, the church will thrive and rejoice in heaven and on earth.«

Armin Wenz,
LOGIA 33-3 Forgiveness Reconciliation
Stefan Michel, Theologische Literaturzeitung

»Wer sich nun ein eigenes Bild von Gerhard als Prediger machen und sich auch zuverlässig über das Verhältnis von akademischer Lehre und homiletischer Umsetzung im frühen 17. Jh. informieren möchte, findet in der Quellenedition der Postilla von 1613, die der Hamburger Kirchenhistoriker Johann Anselm Steiger besorgte, eine solide Grundlage.«

Stefan Michel,
Theologische Literaturzeitung