Christoph Henning: Marx lesen
legenda 8
160 p., 12,0 x 21,0 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2843-0
September 2025
Karl Marx is the most controversial classic of the recent history of ideas. His work had a powerful impact in the 20th century. In the crazy 21st century as well, with its financial crises and political upheavals, Marx’s critique of capitalism has lost none of its relevance. Christoph Henning has summed up the essentials and characteristics of Marx’s thinking. In doing so, he focuses on those parts of his work which have received little attention up to now. This innovative and comprehensible reconstruction of one of the classics of philosophy enables us to improve our understanding of Marx’s gigantic work, which provided a diagnosis of the times, as well as our own unravelling situation.
All volumes
- Sandkaulen: Jacobi lesen – in preparation
- Henning: Marx lesen – September 2025
- Grote: Petrarca lesen – available
- Bannert: Homer lesen – available
- Schroeder: Wittgenstein lesen – available
- Zöller: Fichte lesen – available
- Jacobs: Schelling lesen – available
- Zimmermann: Thomas lesen – available
- Szlezák: Platon lesen – available
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