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Series » Arbeiten und Editionen zur Mittleren Deutschen Literatur » Sebastian Brant: Kleine Texte »Sebastian Brant: Kleine Texte. Band 1, Teil 2
Sebastian Brant (1457–1521) is commonly known as the author of the ›Narrenschiff‹ (Ship of Fools), published in 1494 in Basel. In his day, Brant was however also known and famous as an outstanding lawyer, a skillful politician (town clerk of Strasbourg and an advisor of Emperor Maximilian) and the author of numerous Latin and German occasional poems as well as a translator, editor and a close collaborator of the printing and publishing companies in Basel (Amerbach, Petri, Furter, Froben and primarily Bergmann von Olpe). This volume contains 469 small texts. Most of them have been critically edited and are being published in their unabridged versions for the first time, and there is a large number of texts which were largely or completely unknown up to now: Latin poetry, various types of Latin and German occasional poems, forewords, letters, German translations and adaptations of medieval prose and poetry. Volume 2 contains commentaries on the individual texts and detailed indexes, and in addition numerous plates of relatively unknown manuscripts.
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- Kleine Texte. Band 1, Teil 1 – available
- Kleine Texte. Band 1, Teil 2 – available
- Kleine Texte. Band 2 – available
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