Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Band IV,2: Kollegnachschriften 1796–1804
Gesamtausgabe der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Edited by Hans Gliwitzky and Reinhard Lauth.
With the assistance of Erich Fuchs, Kurt Hiller, José Manzana and Peter K. Schneider.

XI, 365 p., 22,3 x 27,1 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-0541-7
Single price:
€ 296.–
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The »Wissenschaftslehre nova methodo« (1796-1799) has been preserved only in two student transcriptions. (The second, the Krause transcript, which stems from the winter semester of 1798/99 was rediscovered in Dresden in 1980, see vol. IV,3). This volume contains the first transcript, which was previously published, but which is here presented for the first time in its complete and unaltered form. In addition, this volume also includes Cauer’s transcript of the first part of the second Wissenschaftslehre of 1804, which is useful for deciphering the difficult text of this Wissenschaftslehre.
- Wissenschaftslehre (nova methodo) von Fichte aus den Jahren 1796/97
- Wissenschaftslehre von 1804/II (Cauersche Nachschrift)
All volumes
- Band IV,1: Kollegnachschriften 1796–1798. – available
- Band IV,2: Kollegnachschriften 1796–1804 – available
- Band IV,3: Kollegnachschriften 1794–1799 – available
- Band IV,4: Kollegnachschriften 1794–1799 – available
- Band IV,5: Kollegnachschriften 1812 – available
- Band IV,6: Kollegnachschriften 1812–1814 – available
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