Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Band IV,5: Kollegnachschriften 1812
Gesamtausgabe der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

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The student lecture transcripts (Itzig, Halle, Lisco, among others) of the two 1812 courses on Transcendental Logic furnish a complete primary text that is also supplemented by passages from parallel transcripts. They correspond to the content of Volume II,14 and provide additional material for an understanding of Fichte’s manuscripts, especially for the analysis of empirical cognition and the outline of a Transcendental Logic (»Vom Verhältnis der Logik zur wirklichen Philosophie«, 1812), and for an understanding of the concept and the intuition up to the deduction of space (»Vom Unterschiede zwischen der Logik und der Philosophie selbst«, 1812/13). Finally, »On the Study of Philosophy in General« (1812) explicates the conditions for understanding the Wissenschaftslehre and Fichte’s procedure in the two versions of the Transcendental Logic.
- Logik I (Nachschriften Itzig, Halle, Lisco)
- Vom Studium der Philosophie überhaupt‹ (1812)
- Logik II (Nachschriften Lisco, Halle)
All volumes
- Band IV,1: Kollegnachschriften 1796–1798. – available
- Band IV,2: Kollegnachschriften 1796–1804 – available
- Band IV,3: Kollegnachschriften 1794–1799 – available
- Band IV,4: Kollegnachschriften 1794–1799 – available
- Band IV,5: Kollegnachschriften 1812 – available
- Band IV,6: Kollegnachschriften 1812–1814 – available
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