Salomon Maimon: Band 1: Aufsätze 1789–1790, ›Versuch über die Transscendentalphilosophie‹
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The ›Versuch über Transzendentalphilosophie‹ (Essay on Transcendental Philosophy) (1790), in which Maimon wrote a draft of the consequences of the ›Kritik der reinen Vernunft‹ (Critique of Pure Reason) and added several comments on it is seen as the birth of the speculative interpretation of Kant . In it, Maimon claims to have ventured on a union of Kantian philosophy with Spinozism. In addition, he deals with Leibniz, Wolff, Baumgarten and Hume. Kant believed that Maimon was his acute critic and that he alone had understood the true meaning of his philosophy. For Fichte, the entire Kantian philosophy had been completely overturned by Maimon. This volume also contains Maimon’s other works in German, written between 1789 and 1790, the focus however is on his analysis of Kant .
»Inhaltlich lässt der Kommentar keine Wünsche offen. Maria Caterina Marinelli und Ives Radrizzani zeigen in ihren Anmerkungen nicht nur, wie intim Maimon mit der philosophischen und mathematischen Diskussion seiner Zeit und mit deren Traditionen vertraut war, sondern rekonstruieren auch die diskursive Vernetztheit des Versuchs mit dem Denken.«
All volumes
- Band 1: Aufsätze 1789–1790, ›Versuch über die Transscendentalphilosophie‹ – available
- Band 2: 1791–1792 – in preparation
- Band 3: Lebensgeschichte (1792–1793) – First half of 2027
- Band 4: 1793 – in preparation
- Band 5: 1794 – in preparation
- Band 6: 1794–1800 – in preparation
- Band 7: Briefwechsel (1789–1800) – in preparation
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