Carl Hauptmann: Band II,1: Dramen II (Text)
Moses (1906)
Panspiele (1909)
Napoleon Bonaparte (1911)
This volume contains the two long historical dramas about the prophet ›Moses‹ (1906) and Emperor ›Napoleon Bonaparte‹ (1911) as well as the ›Panspiele‹, published in 1901 and consisting of four of his own stage plays. Debuting successfully in Cologne in 1910, these play focus on the wonder of love. The critics praised the lyrical musicality of the language in these plays. Carl Hauptmann himself believed that in writing the drama ›Moses‹ in blank verse he had matured and was one of the greatest. The two-part drama about Napoleon fascinates due to its unconventional depiction of Napoleon, the way in which it traces the mythical and the brilliant figure, and the way in which it set itself apart from the numerous dramas about Napoleon in the 19th century. Unfortunately the play, which was extremely ambitious, was never performed.
All volumes
- Band I,1: Dramen I (Text) – available
- Band I,2: Dramen I (Kommentar) – in preparation
- Band II,1: Dramen II (Text) – in preparation
- Band II,2: Dramen II (Kommentar) – in preparation
- Band III,1: Dramen III (Text) – in preparation
- Band III,2: Dramen III (Kommentar) – in preparation
- Band IV,1: Dramen IV (Text) – in preparation
- Band IV,2: Dramen IV (Kommentar) – in preparation
- Band V,1: Romane I (Text) – June 2025
- Band V,2: Romane I (Kommentar) – in preparation
- Band VI,1: Romane II (Text) – in preparation
- Band VI,2: Romane II (Kommentar) – in preparation
- Band VII,1: Frühe Erzählungen (Text) – available
- Band VII,2: Frühe Erzählungen (Kommentar) – in preparation
- Band VIII,1: Späte Erzählungen (Text) – available
- Band VIII,2: Späte Erzählungen (Kommentar) – in preparation
- Band IX,1: Erzählungen und epische Fragmente aus dem Nachlaß (Text) – available
- Band IX,2: Erzählungen und epische Fragmente aus dem Nachlaß (Kommentar) – in preparation
- Band X,1: Lyrik und Aphorismen (Text) – in preparation
- Band X,2: Lyrik und Aphorismen (Kommentar) – in preparation
- Band XI,1: Wissenschaftliche Schriften (Text) – available
- Band XI,2: Wissenschaftliche Schriften (Kommentar) – in preparation
- Band XII,1: Essays, Vorträge, Journalistisches (Text) – Second half of 2026
- Band XII,2: Essays, Vorträge, Journalistisches (Kommentar) – in preparation
- Band XIII,1: Tagebücher I (Text) – in preparation
- Band XIII,2: Tagebücher I (Kommentar) – in preparation
- Band XIV,1: Tagebücher II (Text) – in preparation
- Band XIV,2: Tagebücher II (Kommentar) – in preparation
- Band XV: Briefe I – available
- Band XVI,1-2: Briefe II – available
- Band XVII: Briefe III – August 2025
- Band XVIII: Briefe IV – in preparation
- Supplement – available
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