Johannes Reuchlin: Band IV,2: Schriften zum Bücherstreit. 2. Teil
Writings by Johannes Pfefferkorns. 1st part: Text in the original language (Latin and Early New High German). 2nd part: German translation.
Reuchlin’s dispute with Johannes Pfefferkorn, a Jewish convert, about the preservation of Jewish literature is one of the most revealing conflicts among the intellectual elite in the first quarter of the 16th century. Pfefferkorn’s zealotic writings, which contradicted the truth, were aimed at the aggressive defamation of the Jewish religion and at the defamation of Reuchlin, who in his role as an imperial consultant advocated the social and cultural rights of the Jews in the Empire. Pfefferkorn’s pamphlets, which were produced with the support of the Dominicans in Cologne, are pervaded by anti-Semitism and can be regarded as instruments of a systematic anti-Jewish defamation campaign. Owing to their wide distribution, these are of great significance for the study of anti-Semitism in the early modern era.
All volumes
- Band I,1: De verbo mirifico. Das wundertätige Wort (1494) – available
- Band I,2: De verbo mirifico. Das wundertätige Wort (1494) – in preparation
- Band II,1: De arte cabalistica libri tres (1517). Die Kabbalistik – available
- Band II,2: De arte cabalistica libri tres (1517) – in preparation
- Band III,1: Dichtungen und Reden – in preparation
- Band III,2: Kommentar und Dokumente zum historischen Umfeld – in preparation
- Band IV,1: Schriften zum Bücherstreit. 1. Teil – available
- Band IV,2: Schriften zum Bücherstreit. 2. Teil – in preparation
- Band IV,3: Schriften zum Bücherstreit. 3. Teil – in preparation
- Band IV,4: Schriften zum Bücherstreit. 4. Teil – in preparation
- Band V: Philologische Schriften I – in preparation
- Band VI: Philologische Schriften I – in preparation
- Band VII: Philologische Schriften II – in preparation
- Band VIII: Übersetzungen – in preparation
- Band IX: Vocabularius breviloquus (1478) – in preparation
- Band X: Varia (Amtsschriften, Widmungen usw.) – in preparation
- Band XI: Dokumente zu Leben und Werk – in preparation
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