Psychoanalysis International. Volume I: Europe
It is well known that the cradle of psychoanalysis was in Vienna, the scene of Sigmund Freud’s activities at the beginning of the century. But how and when did psychoanalysis reach the other European countries? What developments did it undergo there? How did the different mentalities, political, and cultural backgrounds as well as the personal particularities of its respective advocates affect psychoanalysis? What was its position in the past and what is its position today? – These and other questions on the varied development and the present situation of psychoanalysis in the countries of Eastern and Western Europe are investigated by renowned psychoanalysts drawing on the experience and knowledge acquired in their own work. The result is »a new compendium on psychoanalysis in Europe« containing all up-to-date information; informative and instructive, at times as exciting as a detective story, it is possibly of interest even to non-analysts.
- R. Horacio Etchegoyen: Preface
- Peter Kutter: Foreword
- Peter Kutter: Introduction
- Harald Leupold-Löwenthal: Austria: The Viennese Psychoanalytical Society from 1918 to 1945
- Wolfgang Berner: Austria: The Viennese Psychoanalytical Society after 1945
- Additional Note by Annemarie Laimböck: Further Institutions in Austria Not Connected with the IPA
- Maurice Haber: Belgium
- Eugenia Fischer: Czechoslovakia
- Henning Paikin: Denmark
- Esa Roos: Finland
- Alain de Mijolla: France 1893-1965
- Peter Kutter: Germany
- Michael Geyer: East Germany
- Pearl King and Alex Holder: Great Britain
- János Harmatta and Gábor Szönyi: Hungary
- Uri Lowental and Yechezkiel Cohen: Israel
- Arnaldo Novelletto: Italy
- Rimvydas Augis and Virginijus Pocius: Lithuania
- Han Groen-Prakken and Leo de Nobel: The Netherlands
- Krzysztof Pawlak and Zbigniew Sokolik, with additions by Andrzej Kokoszka and Jerzy Pawlik: Poland
- María Luisa Muñoz and Rebeca Grinberg: Spain
- Johan Norman: Sweden
- Alexander Moser: Switzerland
»I really do think that the book is extremely good, and should be in every psychoanalytic library.«
All volumes
- Psychoanalysis International. Volume II: America, Asia, Australia, Further European Countries – available
- Psychoanalysis International. Volume I: Europe – available
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