Psychoanalysis International. Volume II: America, Asia, Australia, Further European Countries

Psychoanalysis International
XII, 378 p., 15,0 x 21,6 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-1510-2
Single price:
€ 38.–

Political changes leave fissures and rifts on the landscape of nations and inevitably affect the development of the sciences. This holds true also for psychoanalysis which, from the very beginning, is internationally oriented in a multicultural world. In volume 2 a colourful map of psychoanalysis is offered with historiographic aspects as well as vivid descriptions of the present situation, not only in the already known Western world of North and Latin America, Australia and the Far East but also in the new Eastern countries which, since the fall of the Iron Curtain, have come to scene.


Argentina by L. Wender a.o.
Australia by R. T. Martin
Brazil by G. Vollmer
Canada by Ch. Hanly
Chile by O. Arruém
China by A. Gerlach
Colombia by I. Villareal
India by S. Kakar
Japan by K. Okonogi
Korea by Doo-Young Cho
Mexico by R. Páramo-Ortega
Peru by H. Engelbrecht and A. Rey de Castro
Uruguay by M. Freire de Garbarino, I. Maggi de Macedo and J. C. Neme
USA by E. Kurzweil
Venezuela by N. Zambrano de Nava
Psychoanalysis against the Grain: Argentina, Chile, Nicaragua, Cuba by E. Danneberg

Further European Countries (supplement to Volume 1)

Bulgaria by T. Tomov and N. Atanassov
Croatia by E. Klain
France 1965–1994 by M. Moreau-Ricaud
Greece by J. Kontos a.o
Norway by F. Hansen and S. Varvin
Portugal by C. Amaral Dias
Romania by V. Sandor
Russia (until 1989) by A. M. Etkind
Russia (after the ending of dictatorship) by R. and E. Fischer
Serbia by P. Klein
Slovenia by M. Lunacek.

All volumes

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