Heinrich P. Delfosse / Berthold Krämer / Elfriede Reinardt: Stellenindex und Konkordanz zu Christians Wolffs ›Deutscher Logik‹

XLII, 630 p., 17,8 x 24,5 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-0933-0
Single price:
€ 398.–

Wolff’s ›Deutsche Logik‹ (German Logic), 14 editions of which have been published, was one of the most influential texts of the 18th century. Since it was also part of countless compendia, his logic influenced such important authors as Lambert and Kant. With this work, Wolff created a philosophical terminology in the German language which became a part of the language in general and which remained authoritative long after its time. This volume documents the entire language and the philosophical terminology of the text in the main index and in the concordance. Separate indexes provide information on the vocabulary in foreign languages, the artificial words pertaining to logic, names of places and persons etc. Thus this volume of indexes is an indispensable tool for the study of Wolffianism and the Enlightenment in terms of the history of language as well.