Heinrich P. Delfosse / Norbert Hinske / Gianluca Sadun Bordoni: Band 30.3: Stellenindex und Konkordanz zum ›Naturrecht Feyerabend‹

Teilband 3: Abhandlung des ›Naturrechts Feyerabend‹: Konkordanz und Sonderindices.

Compiled in cooperation with Benedikt Strobel and Michael Trauth.
VIII, 442 p., 17,8 x 24,5 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2658-0
Single price:
€ 368.–

Volumes 2 and 3 of the set of indexes on the ›Naturrecht Feyerabend‹ (Natural Law Feyerabend) begin with a radically revised version of the main part (the so-called ›Abhandlung‹ or Treatise) of Kant’s lecture on natural law in 1784 and thus with corrections of an immense number of errors which distorted the meaning of the text published in the Academy edition. In doing so, they have created the prerequisites for a new, in-depth analysis of this important lecture. The indexes show how strongly Kant was committed to Achenwall’s Latin compendium in his lecture on natural law. Approximately one quarter of the lemmata are in Latin. Thus they also provide something similar to a reference work for Kant’s published ›Doctrine of Right‹. The two new index volumes (30,2 und 30,3) are also important for the developmental history of Kant’s philosophy of right. Key positions which in research have often been attributed to the work ›Über den Gemeinspruch‹ (On the Old Saw) are to found clearly worded in the ›Naturrecht Feyerabend‹. The concordance provides unique help in establishing these common features.


Paul Guyer, Ratio Juris

» [...] this text is indispensable for any student of Kant’s political philosophy and of his moral philosophy more generally. As I said in the previous review, different readers will no doubt find different ways of benefiting from the extensive apparatus of this edition.«

Paul Guyer,
Ratio Juris
Kenneth Rauscher, Kant: Lectures and Drafts on Political Philosophy

»Over the past decade a team has produced what is now to be considered the standard edition. Heinrich P. Delfosse, Norbert Hinske, and Gianluca Sadun Bordoni have published an annotated edition with all the appropriate editorial apparatuses.«

Kenneth Rauscher,
Kant: Lectures and Drafts on Political Philosophy

All volumes