Band 44,1-2: Stellenindices und Konkordanz zu den lateinischen Dissertationen

FMDA III,51.1-2
2 Volumes
LV, 684 p., 17,8 x 24,5 cm.
ISBN 978-3-7728-2387-9
Single price:
€ 736.–

Kant’s Latin dissertations (1755–1770) marked important steps in his academic career and his philosophical development up to the beginning of the critical period. This index volume is a substantial and comprehensive tool for helping to understand the development of Kant’s vocabulary starting with his background influenced strongly by Wolff up to the more mature structures. In addition, the volume contains specific data on the individual dissertations. The analysis of the use of Latin terminology is also crucial for understanding Kant’s critical period, in which the Latin terms serve not only to clarify the German words but also expand the philosophical range of his vocabulary.

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